About this guide

This guide covers:

  • Using GridFS with Monger

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What version of Monger does this guide cover?

This guide covers Monger 3.1 (including preview releases).


GridFS is a feature for storing large files in MongoDB. It streams files to the database in chunks so it is possible to store very large files without having to load the entire file in RAM to store it.

Monger 2.0+ Public API Convention

Monger versions prior to 2.0 used dynamic vars (shared state) to store GridFS references. Monger 2.0 is different: it accepts them as an explicit argument. Functions that store or load files require a GridFS reference as their 1st argument in 2.0.

Storing files in GridFS

To store a file in MongoDB using Monger, you use a DSL from the monger.gridfs namespace:

(ns my.service
  (:require [monger.core :as mg]
            [monger.gridfs :refer [store-file make-input-file filename content-type metadata]]))

(let [conn (mg/connect)
      db   (mg/get-db conn "monger-test")
      fs   (mg/get-gridfs conn "monger-test")]
  ;; store a file from a local FS path with the given filename, content type and metadata
  (store-file (make-input-file fs "/path/to/a/local/file.png")
    (filename "image.png")
    (metadata {:format "png"})
    (content-type "image/png")))

monger.gridfs/make-input-file is a polymorphic function that accepts java.io.File and java.io.InputStream instances as well as byte arrays as its content argument.

When a file is stored, md5 chechsum will be calculated for its contents automatically.

Querying for files stored on GridFS

Files stored on GridFS are stored in two collections:

  • Chunks are stored with a reference back to the document that represents a file the chunk belongs to.
  • Files metadata (md5 chechsum, content type, filename, arbitrary user metadata) is stored as a separate document for each file.

Getting a file out of GridFS is thus a two step operation:

  • Query for a file
  • Store the file to the local filesystem (or stream it, etc). Chunks will be streamed back to the client that will store them.

It is common to query files by object id, md5 checksum or filename, although you can query them just like you would any collection of documents. To do so, use monger.gridfs/find, monger.gridfs/find-one, monger.gridfs/find-maps, monger.gridfs/find-one-as-map functions. If you need to store or stream file, you'd need to use monger.gridfs/find or monger.gridfs/find-one which will return back com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile instances. They can be stored to disk to treated as input streams:

(ns my.service
  (:require [monger.core :as mg]
            [monger.gridfs :as gfs :refer [store-file make-input-file filename content-type metadata]]))

(let [conn (mg/connect)
      db   (mg/get-db conn "monger-test")
      fs   (mg/get-gridfs conn "monger-test")]
  (store-file (make-input-file fs "/path/to/a/local/file.png")
    (filename "image.png")
    (metadata {:format "png"})
    (content-type "image/png"))

  ;; returns a list of GridFSDBFile instances. Each of them can be stored to
  ;; disk using GridFSDBFile#writeTo method or converted to input stream with GridFSDBFile#getInputStream
  (gfs/find fs {:filename "image.png"})

  (-> (gfs/find-one fs {:filename "image.png"})
      (.writeTo "/a/new/location.png")))

If you just need to access file metadata, you can load it directly as Clojure maps using monger.gridfs/find-maps and monger.gridfs/find-one-as-map:

(ns my.service
  (:require [monger.core :as mg]
            [monger.gridfs :as gfs :refer [store-file make-input-file filename content-type metadata]]))

(let [conn (mg/connect)
      db   (mg/get-db conn "monger-test")
      fs   (mg/get-gridfs conn "monger-test")]
  (store-file (make-input-file fs "/path/to/a/local/file.png")
    (filename "image.png")
    (metadata {:format "png"})
    (content-type "image/png"))

  ;; returns a list of file metadata documents as Clojure maps
  (gfs/find-maps fs {:filename "image.png"})

  ;; same as (first (gridfs/find-maps …))
  (gfs/find-one-as-map fs {:filename "image.png"}))

If you want a list of all files, use monger.gridfs/files-as-maps or monger.gridfs/all-files functions with a single argument: a GridFS instance.

Deleting Files Stored on GridFS

Deleting files on GridFS is very similar to deleting documents from a collection. You use the monger.gridfs/remove function that takes a query condition:

(ns my.service
  (:require [monger.core :as mg]
            [monger.gridfs :as gfs :refer [store-file make-input-file filename content-type metadata]]))

(let [conn (mg/connect)
      db   (mg/get-db conn "monger-test")
      fs   (mg/get-gridfs conn "monger-test")]
  (store-file (make-input-file fs "/path/to/a/local/file.png")
    (filename "image.png")
    (metadata {:format "png"})
    (content-type "image/png"))

  ;; deletes a file
  (gfs/remove fs {:filename "image.png"})

  ;; deletes a file by md5 checksum
  (gfs/remove fs {:md5 "1942f1e69c1d7354f93e2cf805894a9c"}))

The documentation is organized as a number of guides, covering all kinds of topics.

We recommend that you read the following guides first, if possible, in this order:

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